The Kingdom of Burdette recently saw through a few vital developments that will shape it's future. This week the first printed out flags were ordered from the popular site of Ali Express coming in at 7.50 for a 3x5 foot flag.
The Kingdom of Burdette purchased 2 in total it is estimated that these flags will arrive at the capital around 16 March. Shipping was free with the trade off that it would take 45 days to ship. If the Burdette was to p
ay extra for shipping the flags could have come as soon as February 16. The Kingdom of Burdette had to develop a new flag because the flag of Burdette was not high enough quality to be printed out. The manufacture refused to use it for this reason
The same day the flags were ordered they changed the current national flag to the capitals flag and designed a new flag that consisted of the same color scheme as the old one but replaced the crown in the first one with the crown used on the coat of arms

The new flag of Burdette (right) and the old flag of Burdette (left)
Other important news is that the Kingdom of Burdette's MicroWiki page made it through the nomination stage of the Good Article process for the month of January. It ended up being rejected later in the final stage with Zarel Smith's article about himself getting good article status instead. Since it was rejected in January it has been re-nominated for the month of September where it currently stands with eight supporting the article, and zero opposing the article.